Unincorporated LA County Areas of East Gardena/West Rancho Dominguez & Willowbrook, listed for your convenience are all resources that we utilize to report issues from Illegal Dumping, Graffiti, Abandoned Vehicles, Compromised Fire Hydrants and Homeless Outreach Requests.

THEWORKS app is available on iPhone or Android Devices. This is easiest way to report issues from illegal dumping, graffiti, potholes and other issues. Once you have submitted the request, you will receive a confirmation and subsequent follow-up once the service has been completed.
If you would prefer to call it in use

Street Sweeping
Expired registration citations (6 months + 1 day)
Towing vehicles that have been warned via a “Red Tag”
Any other vehicle in violation of the parking laws of the state of California as well as the County of Los Angeles.
Compton Sheriff Station (310) 605-6500
Century Sheriff Station (323) 568-4800
Carson Sheriff Station (310) 830-1123

TRAFFIC RELATED Issues in the Unincorporated LA County Areas should contact CHP South Los Angeles Office.
Business Hours (424) 551-4000
After Hours (310) 675-4443
This includes blocked driveways, expired registration & abandoned vehicles.
Blocked or Compromised Fire Hydrants contact Golden State Water at 877-933-9533
Illegal Power Connections contact Southern California Edison 800-611-1911
Supervisor Holly J Mitchell currently serves as the LA County Board of Supervisors for District 2. Her email is HOLLYJMITCHELL@BOS.LACOUNTY.GOV
Contact her office at (213) 974-2222
Homeless Outreach continues to be one of our top priorities in the Unincorporated LA County areas and Harbor Gateway. Our efforts have brought more resources & services to these areas. Our unhoused/homeless are seen and everyone has been offered assistance. The media has come to our aid by enlightening the world to the 500+RV's sitting on our streets and the 100+children living in the vehicles. We spend the bulk of our day on the streets requesting the outreach services for the unhoused. We work along side the service providers getting to know the processes and resources that will enable us to get the help when they are not available.
The greatest gift you can do is simply submit the request. Using www.LA-HOP.org your request will generate a service request & outreach teams will be dispatched to the location within 48 hours. The process is quite simple and takes less than a minute.
We have been providing short clips of our efforts working with our unhoused/homeless. Showcasing the partnerships that we have created by working together. Sharing the resources so that everyone feels empowered to help & get involved.