Businesses in the Rancho Dominguez area have asked for our help in their area. Another Unincorporated LA County neighborhood. We were in the area on Friday, Saturday and Sunday driving the streets and requesting services. On Friday, we received a call regarding a generator left on while no one was in the RV. There was no one in the vehicle so we contacted Carson Sheriff for a wellness check.

In the coming weeks, Union Pacific Railroad will be cleaning up their property throughout the Rancho Dominguez area. Please contact Union Pacific Railroad for anyone trespassing on their property, dumping and graffiti by calling 888 877 7267 or 800 848 8715. Each railroad crossing has an identification number as well.
Noise and pollution from the generators on the sidewalks in the business corridor continues to be a chronic problem. Please report these issues to Kyle Lee, Supervisor Mitchell's Constituent Deputy for Rancho Dominguez. His email is
We are working to see if AQMD will get involved in this issue.
We have scheduled a meeting with ALL businesses in the Rancho Dominguez area for Thursday, February 29th at 10:30am. If you are interested in attending or need more information, please email Victor at