The County of Los Angeles and Supervisor Mitchell's office are still working on the details of the RV Pilot Program. As of this moment, they have not secured a location to place the non-working, unregistered vehicles. In addition, they are still working on hotels and/or motels for anyone wishing to be housed.

The clean up is scheduled to begin on July 11th and last all week. They will begin on 135th and Broadway and head south to Compton Blvd. This is NOT a displacement clean up. Crews will simply be clearing out the debris, removing the burned RV's and passenger vehicles and addressing the blocked fire hydrants. Los Angeles Sheriff Department HOST team, LAHSA and HOPICS have notified those living in the RV's regarding the upcoming clean up. You should see us out on the streets offering resources & services for the next 2 weeks.

As a reminder, listed below are the contacts from Supervisor Mitchell's office and Compton Sheriff's Office.
Kyle Lee, Constituent Services Deputy for East Gardena/West Rancho Dominguez
email is klee@bos.lacounty.gov
Isela Gracian, Homelessness Deputy
email is igracian@bos.lacounty.gov
Sgt Rojas, Compton Sheriff's Dept, Community Liaison
email is l2rojas@lasd.org