During the recent supervisorial candidate debate in February, I was introduced to Priscilla, who was living in her vehicle caring for your handicapped brother. They were living at the Creshaw Mall Parking lot. That night I had them relocate to a SafeParking location in Watts. This location offers wrap around services like case management, showers and overnight security. The following day, our partners from the WLCAC began helping them navigate the complex process from vehicle to housing. Thank you to Shannon & the amazing Peter for your love & support.

Over the weekend, they moved into their own place. They will have access to services & resources to ensure they will not return to the street. I was surprised to be asked by our elected official's staff to help with finding help. What started for me as a simply wanting cleaner, safer streets has morphed into something much larger. As of this writing, I have been involved with over 160 people & 17 familiies which are no longer on our streets. It is through my unusual approach at seeking out solutions even when it requires a "Do It Yourself" attitude.
Thank you to the fourteen businesses in the Unincorporated LA county areas of East Gardena, West Rancho Dominguez & Rosewood that have supported my efforts by becoming members. I am grateful to have the opportunity to impact positive change in our business corridor. And to the businesses who have not gotten involved, you are welcome.
We are making progress in reshaping some of the toughest, most challenging areas in Los Angeles County.