Meet the heroes who are making a difference with those individuals living in vehicles, along our streets and near our freeways. This morning's Collaborative Homeless Outreach effort brought 6 agencies and the Mayor of Gardena, Tasha Cerda together. We targeted our efforts along the Avalon Corridor and followed up with those still remaining on the Broadway Corridor. As we worked with the unhoused, we were able to follow up multiple times with many of them. By the end of the day, we had individuals ready to accept the help.

Outreach is not simply working solely with the homeless. It provides us the opportunity to identify & report the problems. Typically, we can get immediate response from the responsible agency. In this case, the hydrant is severely damaged. In the event of a fire, this hydrant is not fully operational thus creating a safety risk for our community. Throughout the Unincorporated areas & within the City of Gardena, the fire hydrants are maintained by Golden State Water. For the City of Los Angeles, it is LADWP.

To Red Curb or Not? This has been a very controversial topic of discussion in the Unincorporated area. They can and have been effective in many locations in our area. Enforcement has been complicated by rules or lack of communication. Today, the county of Los Angeles began painting curbs around the Phillips66 complex & Robertsons' Ready Mix. Areas within 150 feet of the fire hydrants and/or driveway aprons were painted red. If you interested in official red curbs, please send me an email. We need at least 75% of the building owners and/or businesses to agree.

The question I am asked multiple times a day, "Do I believe we will solve our issues?" YES.
We have the resources.
We have created the partnerships with our neighbors. We have the focus & determination to find our own solutions.
We are no longer willing to accept the "status quo"
However, it will take work. A lot of work. The issues in our community have been here for years. They will not resolve themselves quickly. But, we can achieve our goal of cleaner, safer, healthier streets.

We See It All. We Experience It All. We are your eyes & ears on the streets. From live illegal dumping, to RV's being towed by garden hoses (which typically rupture as pictured), to fires, and a plethora of other issues plaguing our neighborhoods. We have been educated regarding the RV Rental Enterprise, the "Safety" fees for living under the stars and the ability to use food stamps to cover living expenses. It's happening here.

"Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved" Ralph Waldo Emerson
Support our efforts so your Chamber can thrive. We need your funding to keep the momentum going. Become a member, support a clean up or sponsor an event. For more information, please contact me David@thehgcc.com