We are out on the streets everyday reporting the issues impacting the business corridors & neighborhoods. Compton Blvd between Main & San Pedro continues to be a "HOT SPOT" for illegal activity. Chronic dumping is still a problem on the corner of Compton & Main. We have reported the issues to the County Supervisor's Office, Public Works and Sheriff's Dept. We are waiting for the installation of cameras which should be happening very soon.
The RV in the photo appears to have been hit during the recent rains. We have alerted the HOST team of the issue. Please use caution when driving along Compton Blvd between Main & San Pedro. I wish I had a better update for this area.
Please continue to report the issues of waste and graffiti by using the THEWORKS app or calling 888 8DUMPING. You can also send of us an email and we will assist.