A plan to help people living in recreational vehicles that are crowding streets and troubling neighborhoods gets a boost just weeks after it got up and running. The RV encampment pilot program is getting absorbed by Los Angeles County’s homelessness solution: Pathway Home.
The additional funding and urgency due to the emergency declaration on homelessness is helping cut through red tape, making it possible to offer those living in oversized vehicles immediate and long-term help.
Spectrum News was originally told the RV encampment pilot program would launch in June to remove 1,500 RVs across LA County over three years. The county reports nearly 50 were removed in less than three months.
One of the original supporters of strategically removing RVs, LA County Supervisor Holly Mitchell, said there are more than 2,000 RVs in her 2nd District.
“The unincorporated areas of the 2nd District saw a significant increase in these RV encampments frankly as our neighboring municipalities attempted to deal with this moral crisis and dilemma by putting up 'no parking' signs,” Mitchell said.
Published by SPECTRUM NEWS 1 on August 28, 2023